Monday, December 12, 2011

Memoir Monday: Forever Alone?

     Being a teenager: Beautiful, yet you're extremely stereotyped and misunderstood. Being a teenager: everybody treating you as a child but expecting you to act and think like an adult. Being a teenager:  Sitting in my bed in the middle of the night wondering if the food in my fridge will fill the emptiness of being socially awkward or maybe just cure my boredom for a little bit. Being a teenager: stalking your crush regularly, because somehow, in a parallel world, you imagine you might me together if only he knew how much you really have in common.
     Since I turned 10, the double digit (wohoo), I've always looked forward to having the "teen" at the end of my age number. For me, it meant respect and being different from the "little ones." It meant being part of a select group of incredibly potential young adults living the life the way they want to. Little by little more and more freedom, begininng with a laptop, a blackberry, then a house key, a longer curfew, more allowence, a driver's liscence, a first car, and even a credit card if you're lucky. To be honest, I had so many expectations about how I would feel, how I would change to be suddenly "cool," but I'm 13, almost 14 and I still feel the same way I did when I was 12 years old. Don't get me wrong though, the parties are cool and all but there's so much homework and stuff its not even fun anymore, only more stress and pimples. 
     My life as a teenager, I guess it was going pretty chill and everything until everybody started having these "relationships" and something called "dating" and I'm just sitting here like what is going on!? Its like I'm starting to feel weird and all because I don't have a so-called boyfriend. Then there was more school work, more stress, more lies, more drama, more tears, less hang-outs, less movies, less social life altogether. I thought it would get easier or a little less stressing but it only got worse and worse. 
      There comes a point when you realize you need a social life. This is when you're sitting in your bed facing the laptop screen on a saturday night, food just doesn't seem interesting anymore, and you're on your blog reblogging cute couples' pictures. One hour. Two hours. Three hours. 3AM. "Oh God, I'm forever alone!!!"
      Because of my experience, I learned to be patient. I stopped worrying about boyfriends and shit, he'll come one day!!! Sometimes school can be extremely overwhelming, so unsatisfying it makes you emotionally unstable because of the pressure to be "all that" but the truth is, as far as growing old and growing up I've learned if you make an effort to be better it'll definately pay off when you finally get the newest blackberry or the laptop that you wanted. Effort = rewards. Finding a motivation is crucial in your daily life, find an inspiration, set goals, work hard and always be thankful. 



  2. Angelicaa!! I love your story, everything is SO true! Being a teenager is so hard. Hahaha forever alone. Don't worry about boyfriends, one day it will come :*

  3. asdfghjkl loved it mi Manatee. Everything you write about is so relatable and this was just perfect. FOREVER ALONE
    PS.Forever alone when I notice I get excited for canceled plans..oh god, forever alone

  4. Nice use of the meme most people use memes incorrectly. Nice way of linking your blog and all. It's all so true.

  5. jajajjajajaja omgg I laughed so much, with every single sentence I read. Not only because I kept thinking to myself "omg.that is so true" but also because I could almost see you there, talking to me about being forever alone. Amazing amazing amazing! <3

  6. Angelica! Your memoir is abso-freaking-lutely awesome! this totally fits the definition of "pimp your blog" (as I say). Hahahahaha awesome use of the "forever alone meme" ;) great job!

  7. Hahahaha Angelica! This is awesome!!!!!!! Everything you say is absolutely ture. Love the picture ;) Forever Alone<3

  8. Angelica Maria!! I love your memoir. is amazing how evrythings is soo truee!! Keep writing because you are the best! ME ENCANTOOOO! and always forever alone!! Great job! ♥

  9. Nice job I love your memoir and especially your title

  10. You were right when you said," Effort = rewards."
    Even if you don't see it immediately there is always a reward (internally or externally) for a job well done.
