Saturday, September 17, 2011

Finally Free.

  My dearest Jack,

     My family and myself have been persecuted for as long as I can remember. King James 1 has been harassing us because of our religious views, so I have decided to make a voyage to the new world. The idea of modifying my lifestyle derived from the numerous comments about the wonderful place it is to live, "you'll be finally free" they said. I had been pondering about this matter for months, it wasn't a spontaneous decision, I might add. It broke my fragile heart to leave my old life behind, but with the hopes that we would finally be together after so many years, I envision myself crossing the vast ocean to the west in an endeavor to search for your company ones more.
      We finally arrived after a journey that lasted a long time. We had to cope with the scarce resources. Even less luxuries than what we had in England, considering we were broke. I had a feeling our captain was acting in a guile manner when he spoke to us about the days we'd been sailing and that worried me.  Taking in account the exhausting voyage and the hardness of the path ahead of us, the adventurous settlers, me among them, decided to sign the Mayflower Compact. We all believed it was and imperative document in order to get the settlement going.
        I must be honest with you, my disposition for the first weeks was very gloomy, there was not much food and winter was coming fast. My body, in terms of health, needed to be resilient upon facing the many diseases. I couldn’t succumb to the menacing weather. Jack, oh Jack, how I miss you to this day, your face recurs in my thoughts every single day. I wish we could be together again. If it was my decision I'd take some food and visit you in Jamestown but our leaders here in Plymouth considered this decision despicable and selfish, certainly not for the general good of the colony.
         Even with all of this, and the menacing winter ahead of us, I'm happy to be finally free to love God the way I want to. I shall communicate with you more often. In these times of despair I need your word to brighten my days and give me strength. I hope the love pervades our hearts because I’m not ready to give up. Thank you for the support you've given me, even when you weren't by my side, you've proven how much you love me.

                                                                             Forever Yours,

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Haunting Blue Eye

     I have been working for the old man for years, but it was only a couple of weeks ago that the idea of killing him derived from looking at his haunting blue eye. Pardon my honesty, please don't fancy me mad, I don't think a madmen would come up with such a brilliant plan.
     Every day, I grew impatient and did my work in a cursory manner every time the old man look upon me. I finally succumbed to my need of corroborating the old man was asleep by going into his room every night ever so gingerly, ever so quietly.
     Every night, for seven nights I came into his bedroom, I saw every detail that concerned the old man, and endeavored to be silent so he would not wake up, never in an abrasive manner. I examined him closely every single night only to find him clad in his white sheets sound asleep. What could I do? I had strong feelings for that man, but his haunting eye, oh that eye, it chased my worst nightmares and my daily life how could I kill the old man when he slept, his eye was closed and the thought of harming him like this made a grimace cross my face. 
     The eighth night I was ready to go into his room when I surmised he was asleep. I went in very quietly as if to simulate a sly cat, only to realize his vulture eye was wide open. I was electrified and in shock. Suddenly the room started spinning around me but I kept very still as the old man demanded to know who was there, but I could feel my throat dehydrate and I grew only slightly nervous. Before proceeding I ran a quick inventory of the things that I had with me, my flashlight alright and some extra batteries.     
      Everything was set, the time to get rid of the vulture eye had come. With a quick movement, I took the mattress and heard a shriek, only one. The heart beat. His heart beat. Then, nothing. There was no blood, no mess, nothing gruesome. I let the realization of what had just happened sink in. It was gone, oh yes, it was gone for good, that deep blue eye would never again chase my thoughts day by day.