Thursday, March 15, 2012

Snow and Fire in One Day

The opportunity to find out more about the Radley’s had come. Scout and I couldn’t let it pass. The effort we’ve been trying to make to assimilate the behavior of the bizarre family might be paying off now. Atticus has come back from the Radley house. It’s was our chance to ask him.
“Atticus,” Scout said, “did you see Mr. Arthur?”
I was suddenly scared when a short time elapsed and he wouldn’t answer. He didn’t quite approve of our interrogations and curiosity about Boo Radley. But, the opportunity was there and the question was–– In fact–– imminent
The reason why Atticus went to the Radley house was because Mrs. Radley had just passed. Even though it might sound like a calamity we weren’t really affected by it.
Incredibly, instead of the sweltering Maycomb heat, there was snow. People like Mr. Avery blamed us for this drastic change of weather; he believed the kids conspired to behave bad and eventually cause a change in the weather. Personally, I don’t see this weather change as a tragedy since we didn’t have school.
            Scout and I build a snowman meticulously with the features of Mr. Avery. Once Atticus found out, he was in dissension because it looked like Mr. Avery too much, and he could take it as an insult. That’s when Ms. Maude came out–– miraculously stopped lionizing her garden–– and talked to Atticus about her disagreeing with the building of a Snowman with such proximity to Mr. Avery.
            It was a very fun day, until I was abruptly awoken by the voice of Atticus telling me to come outside. I couldn’t quite apprehend why at first–– It was late at night–– it made no sense. When I walked outside and realized Ms. Maude’s house was on fire, I expected the whole town to be in a state of anarchy, but to my disbelief everyone was working together to save what we could from the raging fire. Thoughts raced through my head–– I wanted to help–– but Atticus’ order to stay in front of the Radley’s had me shackled to the earth. This was nobody’s fault, nobody could be arraigned because of this, nobody could be blamed, but regardless of that, the whole town was helping out. I found that very amazing.
           After the tension had lowered and we were going back home, Atticus and I noticed Scout had a blanket on her shoulders. I never put it, so it could only have been Boo Radley. I realized many things right there; Boo Radley was not really “Boo” he was Mr. Arthur, and he was a nice person.

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